The Moment is Now


The moment is now.  How many times have we said “when I have this, or when I have that, or when I meet him or when I meet her I will be x, y,z (happy, good, complete) The truth about that is it’s a lie 🙂 The moment is now, if you want joy now you must gently open your eyes to living beyond what we call the “physical world” and really silence yourself to feeling the truth that lives beyond words, the truth that lives in the trees, and the rain, in the moment of birth, and connection with a friend that is a stranger but feels like a lover from a past life. The truth that lives in the beyond this physical realm consciousness. Cultivating this consciousness of love, of oneness allows us to gently realign to THE MOMENT IS NOW, because everything is perfect now.


This moment is full of potential, this moment is the only moment. The past is gone and the future is not yet here so the only truth is now. The tricky part is that we humans have a complex psyche and it can be rigid with old patterns based on a combination of things our own unique personality and biology, our upbringing with our family, friends, peers, media all of it and in the cocktail of influence we get lost and we believe that we are not PERFECT, we believe that we don’t have the right to be glowing light beings of full joy. We forget that we are all one and real life problems set in.


I’m here to remind you though there is a balance and though it goes beyond words I promise you the bliss that exists in these moments is nothing less than orgasmic divine bliss. Breathe into this moment, allowing this moment to be the only moment, forgetting yesterday or tomorrow and just being in your body hearing your breathe and feeling the air and the wind or the sun. Just feeling this moment.


here is the only moment that exists, the moment is now, live it up.

What do you feel in this moment describe the sensations and textures of what you feel right now , share in the comments below.


Cosmic Presence,


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